Just like humans, pets can suffer from pain. It reduces your pet’s quality of life and even restricts your pet from doing primary duties like walking and eating. However, at Confederate Ridge Animal Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, we can help. Whether an injury or disease causes your pet’s pain, there are numerous treatment options to help get your pet get back on its feet.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a great option for your pet if you want to avoid medications. Our Companion Laser tool reduces swelling and promotes tissue healing. It is a short process and can greatly reduce your pet’s pain.


Sudden (acute) injury pain can be relieved by having your pet rest. For better results, you should confine your dog in a crate to restrict movement. Depending on the severity of the injury, rest can range from a few hours to days and even weeks.

Physical Exercises

While it is important to rest, it’s also vital to make sure your pet is moving a little. Physical rehabilitation is an excellent way of helping your pet heal. Physical activities promote blood circulation and reduce muscle tension, reducing pain. They also remind your pet to use every part of its body. Our vets can help with exercises and show you how to do them with your pet at home.


Depending on your pet’s pain intensity, our veterinarians may prescribe pain-relieving medications to alleviate pain. Note that you shouldn’t give your pets any human painkillers. Our team offers natural food supplements to help with your pet’s pain.

Heat Therapy

This method can help alleviate pain from injuries and arthritis. Heat stimulates blood flow, promoting self-healing. Heat also relieves muscle spasms and stiffness.


For severe conditions, your pet may need surgery. We use this option as a last resort after trying other pain-relief methods. While surgery has its risks, it may be the best option to treat conditions like luxating patella and torn knee ligaments.

Visit Our Animal Hospital 

If your pet is in pain, it doesn’t have to suffer. At Confederate Ridge Animal Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, our veterinary team can help your pet feel its best. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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