Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinating your pet protects it from diseases that it can pick up from other animals. In fact, many places require certain vaccines before getting a pet's license. When it comes to pet vaccination, trust us at Confederate Ridge Animal Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, to help you to understand which shots your cat or dog needs and when to have them done. We are here to help you maintain your pet's health and wellness with vaccinations, flea & tick prevention, and health screenings.


Why Vaccinate Your Pet and Can Shots Cause Harm?

Vaccinating your cat or dog is a simple way to prevent possibly dangerous diseases. Illnesses such as rabies kill almost all unvaccinated pets that contract it. Animals can also give this to people, too, in whom it also is fatal. Other conditions that vaccines can help your pet avoid include severe respiratory conditions like kennel cough or immune compromising illnesses like feline leukemia.

The vet will discuss core and non-core vaccines with you. Core vaccines for cats and dogs are those that all vets recommend your pets get. Non-core shots include those for conditions that not every pet is at risk for. However, if the veterinarian suggests non-core vaccines for your pet, your cat or dog has lifestyle factors that show it to be at risk of getting a disease those shots protect against.

Vaccines That Dogs Need

All dogs should get shots for rabies, canine distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis. Non-core options include those to prevent Lyme disease, canine influenza, Bordetella, leptospirosis, and parainfluenza.

While most puppies should receive a series of shots as their immune system develops, adult dogs will also need regular boosters. For instance, rabies and canine influenza usually require annual booster shots. Vaccines for canine distemper, parainfluenza, kennel cough, and parvovirus need boosters once every three years. As with any medical decision for your pet, get professional veterinary advice before choosing when to schedule appointments to get your dog's shots.

Vaccinations for Cats

Even cats that stay inside all the time need vaccinations. Like dogs, cats should start their vaccine schedule while they are young. Core vaccines for cats include rabies, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and feline herpesvirus. While some consider rabies a non-core vaccine, all cats should get this shot because the condition is always fatal and has no treatment.

Non-core vaccines for cats include FIV, feline infectious peritonitis, Chlamydophila felis, feline leukemia, and Bordetella. If you will have your cat boarded while on vacation, your pet may need non-core vaccines in addition to the core ones. Ask the vet if you have any questions about which vaccines to get for your cat. 

It is Never Too Late to Get Your Pet on Schedule

Whether your pet has already had all previous vaccines or never had a shot, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian to get your cat or dog up to date. At Confederate Ridge Animal Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, our entire veterinary team wants to help you with preventing illness in your pet. With services that include vaccinations and flea & tick prevention, we offer a comprehensive set of services to do this. Bring your pet and see us soon.


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